Tag Archives: video marketing

What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates


What You Need To Know About Facebook’s New Video Updates


Video content on Social Media has been at an all-time high recently, with platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram seeing a rise in the amount of video content from their users. This has led to numerous brands promoting their content through the use of video, which has proven to be effective in generating traffic and user interaction.


How Live Video Helps Your SEO


Live video streaming on the internet has been around for a long time, with some of the first attempts being done during the 90s. As the technology improved over the years, it has become another key element in the internet user experience. At present, numerous websites and platforms have utilized it to full effect, resulting to high viewership numbers and traffic.


Capturing Your Audience: Making Your Podcast Grow With SEO


The internet has grown into the world’s largest media provider, with millions of people accessing a wide variety of it every single day. These forms of media include videos, music, images, and even podcasts. For the latter, podcasts are some of the most popular forms of media, with a wide audience listening to discussions about various topics such as sports, cinema, gaming, technology, and even SEO.


When Video Marketing has become more than just an option

Youtube and video marketingFive years ago, three former PayPal co-workers Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim started a Flickr-style sharing site for videos. They were expecting this to be big. Five years after, Youtube rose up to become the world’s third most visited website of all time.

As an internet Marketer, you have to know your battleground. Where are you going to market your product in? What websites are going to be effective for your product? What tools do you need to use? What kind of people are you trying to reach? A lot of these questions need an answer with a platform.

As an SEO specialist, I have not limited my skills and client services to SEO only. I also penetrate social networks, blog communities, forums, etc… And now I’m venturing into video marketing – and invite you to do the same. Why?