Tag Archives: social search

How Google Search Plus Your World Affects SEO


Google is now undergoing a major change in their search engine as they implement ‘Search Plus your World’ – it is simply integrating Google + into their search engine algorithm in order to serve it in their search engine results page.


Why Google+ Wants You to Get Social

Google Plus

It seems the past few weeks have been abuzz with talk all about that new Google+ thing … what it is, how to use it, and why it will eventually kill Facebook.

Instead of adding to that chatter, I wonder if we might be able to discuss a few other topics.

What will change in terms of the search experience, search engine optimization, and the fight on social spam.


Bing adds Facebook Likes to a more Personalized Search Result

Facebook and BingBing and Facebook has teamed up to what I think will be a huge revolution in the world of search. Right now, Bing is adding up Facebook Likes to a more personalized search results page for it’s users.

It is overwhelming how the social network giant, Facebook will give a lending hand to the up-coming blended search forerunner, Bing. Right now, search is starting to become social. It is mind-blowing. This is definitely gonna be big!