Tag Archives: SEO Hacker


Combining SEO and PPC as a Strategy and their Pros and Cons

Search Engine Optimization has been in existence for a number of years, and with it came other alternatives that practitioners can use. There is no doubt that SEO is at the top of the list when ranking a website is the topic at hand.

Using SEO as a marketing strategy, however, also has its setbacks and problems that numerous people have often encountered. One main problem that SEO gives to people that use it, is that when it is conducted by a newly-established business.



Minor SEO Errors That You May Be Making!

I still can’t believe it’s already 2017 when it feels like only a few days ago that it was 2016. *Ba-dum-tss* okay, no more puns, I promise. Anyway, SEO is something that I’ve loved doing for a long time now. We’ve discussed many topics over the past couple of years and so, I’d like to take a step back and talk about something a little more basic: Mistakes.



SEO Hacker’s Top 10 of 2016


Happy New Year, SEO Hackers! It’s our sixth year and we are still going strong! As an SEO Company here in the Philippines, we are now larger than ever and it is because of YOU that we are where we are right now. I believe that this is the perfect opportunity for us to review what we did last year so I will be listing down some of SEO Hacker’s best and most read posts from the past year. CONTINUE READING


Google Releases “Top Stories” Feature


Back in the early 2010s, technology started to radically change for the better. SEO was becoming more and more complex and Google was releasing changes left and right. One such change back then was Google’s “In the news” which was implemented in lieu of the original news vertical results. “In the news” changed many things but its greatest advantage over its older sibling was that it relied on a wider set of sources from all over the internet which increased its results as well as tapping into other credible websites that produced quality, share-worthy content.

In 2016, Google changed things up again by launching “Top Stories”, a modernized, better-performing card-style design that presents featured stories better.



Get the Most Out of Online Reputation Mangement With Qeryz

Just getting it out there – this isn’t a product review. It’s an article on understanding  how to take advantage of Net Promoter Score or NPS using Qeryz – a free customer feedback survey tool. Basically speaking, ORM or Online Reputation Management is one of the most important aspects of SEO. Depending on how you handle your ORM, it can either make or break your SEO so it is recommended to understand it.



How AntRanks Can Help You With Your SEO


When it comes to link building, one should focus on two of the most important factors: the quantity and quality of the backlinks which were built for your website. Analyzing the quantity of your backlinks is easy – all you need to do is count the links that were built for your site. How about the quality of your backlinks? Remember that while some links have immediate results, some might take time. There are a lot of criteria that anchors Google rankings; some of them are the domain authority of the website linking back to yours, the quality of the content, and the traffic your link is getting.