Tag Archives: SEO Hacker

More Budget-friendly Google Chrome Extensions for your SEO Needs

More Budget-friendly Google Chrome Extensions for your SEO Needs

In one of our previous articles, we have covered some of the best Google Chrome extensions that help make SEO tasks more effective and efficient. These extensions help turn your Chrome browser into a platform where you can perform basic SEO tasks without having to open some of your tools.


Using SERPED.net for Content Management


SERPED.net has become one of the most effective SEO tools in our toolbox, as it has a wide variety of features that makes it feel like you are using more than one tool. We have done reviews for SERPED itself, along with a guide on using it for keyword research, yet there are still some features that we can still cover. If you want to try it out for yourself, here is the link to their website.


Keep the Pace: Preparing for the Google Speed Update

Loading speed has become an integral part of SEO, being a factor in the overall user experience. It has been proven numerous times that fast loading speeds help users stay longer in a website, ensuring that you have steady traffic and a lower bounce rate. There are a variety of ways to lower loading times, which include using WordPress tools, along with some effective site optimization techniques that keep things fast and smooth.


Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

A few months back, we did a review for SERPED.net, which became a part of our vast SEO toolbox due to its versatility. Some of the many tools that SERPED.net offers include Domain Finding and Research, Site Management, Rank, Tracking, Client Acquisition, and Keyword Research. With this amount of tools at your disposal, SERPED.net truly is one of the best SEO tools around.


Daring SEO Strategies You Must Try This 2018


With SEO experiencing another big year in 2017, this 2018 looks to improve on those results. For our team at SEO Hacker, we have been able to help some of our biggest clients experience their highest search rankings, and even helped make their sites more accessible and user-friendly than ever. Their presence and visibility on the internet, which includes search engines and social media platforms, has greatly increased under our watch.


Happy New Year SEO Hackers!


On behalf of the team here at SEO Hacker, we wish all of you a Happy New Year! With 2017 being an important year for the company’s growth, with a lot of development focused on our team and services, we have definitely made it count. These experiences have simply made us a better company with a stronger team that is ready to take on all the challenges.


SEO Hacker Year-end Round-up

SEO Hacker Year end Round-up

As the year is about to end, all I can say is that 2017 is one of the most important years of SEO Hacker. As we are about to end our seventh year, we have had some posts that can be considered to be our most popular for the year. Each of these months has given us an article that SEO professional and beginners alike have found very informative and insightful.


Simplicity is Key: WordLift Tool Review

Wordlift Tool Review

Practicing SEO is one of the most engaging “jobs” in the world because it’s one of the few crafts that can be done in more than one way. While a majority of the SEO methodology are defined to be either White Hat SEO or Black Hat SEO, the fact remains that “there’s more than one way to skin a cat”, so to say. Personally, I’m partial to White Hat SEO myself and to achieve my goals with my strategies, I have to rely on the best tools to get the job done.


Expecting and Reacting to Sudden Ranking Fluctuations

It’s Time to Stop Saying “Oh S***” When Your Rankings Fluctuate

Rankings fluctuate for everyone so keep this knowledge in mind as you go through your website’s SEO. It doesn’t matter what you did ‘wrong’ because the only thing that matters is what you do next – and I’m going to tell you exactly what to do when your rankings fluctuate.