Tag Archives: White Hat SEO

6 Reasons Why You Can’t Replicate Famous SEO Strategies (Yet)

SEO Strategies

If you’re trying to grow your website’s rankings, conversions or traffic, you are probably following all the authoritative blogs in the industry religiously. I’m certain you also tried to replicate many of the case-studies you found on there, but for some reason, they never had the same results that the original authors led you to believe. I also tried and failed miserably. Most of the times.


Rumors Of Long-Form Content Demise Have Been Greatly Exaggerated!



It’s all too easy to ignore long-form content. With services like Twitter and Vine attracting millions of users every day, with GIFs and memes running rampant across the internet, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the art of long-form writing is dying out. I’ve been working as an SEO copywriter for a couple of years now, and when I first started I was told that all pieces that I produced, whether a blog post, and article or a press release, needed to be at least 500 words but never any more than 800.


Calling All SEO Copywriters: What’s Stopping You From Creating Great Content?


Over the past few years, I’ve seen the same mistakes made by online copywriters over and over again, particularly SEO content creators. Now, I’m not just talking about the technical side of things either, but the actual voice, topic and entire attitude of the content itself.

We all know that creating engaging content is absolutely essential in the digital world, but so many copywriters actually get in their own way when it comes to their content and that can really put a reader off.


Comprehensive White Hat Strategy That Won’t Get You Penalized

White Hat Strategy

I have been involved in the digital marketing and SEO industry for 11 years and, in that time, I have seen the internet grow and develop in ways that nobody could have predicted. This experience has resulted in a deep understanding of the ways in which businesses, and even individuals with personal websites, can achieve more from their online presences.