Tag Archives: copywriting

Calling All SEO Copywriters: What’s Stopping You From Creating Great Content?


Over the past few years, I’ve seen the same mistakes made by online copywriters over and over again, particularly SEO content creators. Now, I’m not just talking about the technical side of things either, but the actual voice, topic and entire attitude of the content itself.

We all know that creating engaging content is absolutely essential in the digital world, but so many copywriters actually get in their own way when it comes to their content and that can really put a reader off.


The Death of Sales Letter – A Review

Rummaging through my ‘blogging folder’, I found this interesting free report by Michel Fortin of the Success Doctor, Inc. The title of this report is quite controversial – about the death of sales letter. If you still haven’t read (or heard about it), then you’re surely missing out a lot.

The Death of Sales Letter has been released sometime around 2007. With the title itself, you can just imagine the kind of hullabaloo it caused in the industry especially to copywriters, internet marketers (who heavily relies on good copies) and even SEO practitioners that optimize sales letters and landing pages.

Who is Micheal Fortin?

As Michel puts it, he is “a copywriter”. But apparently, this kind of description needs to be attributed to the people he works for, namely; John Reese, Frank Kern, Kirt Christensen, Armand Morin, Shawn Casey and Stephen Pierce- simply the biggest names in the internet marketing industry. And if you don’t even know any of them, you’re living under a very, very big rock.


Why Writing for search engines will get you nowhere

People always think that SEO is all about being a suck-up for search engines in order for them to rank you well in the search engine results page. Well it doesn’t work that way. At least not anymore.

Search engines are machines. They’re a set of codes created and piloted by search engineers. In the end, they only follow the logic and reasoning of human beings. And in the end, human beings only consider what is human to be a win.


Learn SEO Copywriting

SEO Copywriting ReportCopywriting is the art of writing to sell or promote something. We’ve seen and read copywritten materials in magazines, newspapers and fliers. Those paragraphs are carefully woven together by their local copywriters. And then the internet and Google came along.

Copywriting is not enough in the internet. If you want your article to be viewed by readers who are looking for information that you have, you need to be visible in the search engines. How do you do that?

It’s called SEO Copywriting

Search is still the biggest game in town – and right now that town is getting more and more crowded. Any survey will tell you that search is still the top activity that people do in the internet. It is still the most common online activity even up until now. Face it, everyone’s looking for something, someone or somewhere these days.

SEO copywriting makes sure that your content is Search engine friendly. It doesn’t just create quality articles, it creates quality articles that search engines love. Articles won’t matter unless the search engines gobble it up and tells searchers “Hey buddy, this is what you’re lookin’ for.”