Tag Archives: SEO Tips and Advice

How BERT Affects SEO and How You Can Optimize For It

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Google’s roll-out of BERT caused a massive buzz in the whole SEO industry since they deemed it as “the most important update in five years”. This particular update, called BERT, officially impacts 10% of search queries. That’s already a massive number since there are millions of searches made every single day. So, what exactly is the BERT update, how will it affect the SEO landscape, and how can we, as webmasters and SEOs, better optimize our websites for this algorithm update?


Myth Busted: Site Traffic a Ranking Factor?

Cover Photo - Is Site Traffic a Ranking Factor

Site traffic being a ranking factor is what most SEO beginners and some intermediate SEOs believe to be true. I can’t blame them since I even believed it when I was just starting in SEO. But what’s the truth? Does site traffic not affect our site’s rankings as Google says? Or is there something deeper at play? Let’s find out.

New Website SEO: A Comprehensive Guide

Cover Photo - New Website SEO A Comprehensive Guide

Having a stable SEO foundation is what all of us in industry yearn for. Oftentimes, we have to make do with what we can work with – a relatively old website with so many onsite factors left unoptimized, a spammy backlink profile, and so many facets left ignored. But, there are moments wherein we get the chance to optimize a newly-created website. The chance to lay the perfect SEO foundations for the website is already within reach; what’s left to do is to get started. But how exactly do you optimize a new website for the search engines?


How to Recover From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

How to Recover From Google’s Broad Core Algorithm Updates

A few weeks has passed since Google rolled out their latest broad core algorithm update. Articles have circulated that highlighted the ones that experienced massive wins and other sites that experienced the opposite. The prevailing factor that I see whenever Google rolls out broad core algorithm updates are questions such as “how do I fix it” or “what did I do wrong?” or “I didn’t do anything but my site traffic improved, why is that?”. There’s a variety of answers given to them, but they don’t seem to get the whole purpose of a broad core algorithm update. But before we delve into recovering if you were hit by the broad core update, what exactly is a broad core update?


Smart Image Link Building Tips To Give You an Edge Over Your Competition

Smart Image Link Building Tips To Give You an Edge Over Your Competition

Link building is one of the fundamental SEO strategies that professionals use to improve webpage visibility and increase web traffic. The strategies and techniques that make link building effective have been refined over the past few years, and despite some talks that it would not be as relevant as it was back then, it is still one element of SEO that keeps things running well.CONTINUE READING