Tag Archives: email marketing

What is Email Marketing?

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a tried and tested digital marketing strategy. Many businesses still use email marketing as one of their main marketing channels and you can’t really fault them for that. According to Statista, there are four billion email users worldwide in 2020 and it is expected to grow to 4.6 billion by 2025. 

Needless to say, if you want to reach your target audience, they most likely have emails and you can reach them right in their inboxes.


Google Expands AMP into Emails and Ads


We have previously covered some of the latest Google updates this 2018, which includes removing the “View Images” button in Google Images, the upcoming Speed Update, and Google My Business preventing former employees to post negative reviews about their previous company. As usual, these updates aim to improve the user experience and optimize the content and performance of different websites.CONTINUE READING

Five Sure Ways to Increase Your Email Open Rates

Increase Email Open Rates

Email marketing works, that’s for sure. You won’t get tons of emails everyday if companies didn’t find it effective. In fact, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than social media.

Yet, you fail to see its beauty; you think that doing it is only a waste of time. Why? Because your open rate is low – perhaps too low that you don’t consider trying it again.


How to Retain Readers After they Finish your Content

Hooked to your Content

Now that you know how to cook your content right, let’s tackle how you can keep your readers hooked to your stuff. Great content marketing means serving your readers the good stuff all the way to the end. More than 50% of readers drop out 50% of the way through content on the internet. Here’s how to beat the statistics – and keep your readers going back for more.


The Basics of Building an Email Subscription List

email list building marketing 101What is rule number one to internet marketing? Never, ever forget- the money is in the list.

Here in the industry, the A-listers are the ones with the largest email addresses on their database, and mind you, the can range to a hundred thousand emails. Imagine you have that kind of number (or even just a portion of it) and then try to think of all the profitable possibilities of just sending an email blast to those people? That’s exactly why the big internet marketers refer to their email lists as their personal ATM machine. Sounds exciting right?