Tag Archives: page ranking

How to Avoid the Wrong Pages from Ranking Using These Strategies

How To Avoid The Wrong Pages From Ranking Using These Strategies

Imagine this scenario, you have published a well-crafted landing page that provides quality content and authoritativeness that Google is looking for and containing the keyword that you want to rank it for. After a while, you check the SERPs to see if your website is ranking for it, and then you see it: You have a webpage that is ranking and showing up in SERPs, but unfortunately, the wrong page is showing up in the results. This is one pressing issue that SEOs tend to face from time to time, where pages rank for the wrong keywords, which leads to loss of traffic for the intended pages, and users going to pages with content not related to what they searched for in the first place.


What Search Engine Crawlers do with your Meta Tags

Meta tagsWe all know that our meta tags get crawled and indexed due to the fact that it comes out on the snippets and several other reasons. But we’ve also heard that it doesn’t have any weight on page rankings. So how does it work? How does a search engine treat the meta tags in your webpage? What does search engines do with your meta tags?

Meta tags are codes in your website’s <head> portion. They are invisible to the users and are by far, the only legal way to have unseen keywords in your website. Don’t you ever wonder what search engines do with your meta tags since we know that it doesn’t affect page ranking anymore? I know I do. So I read some articles about it and found out from Search Engine Land what exactly your meta tags is being used for by the search engine crawlers.

There are three things that a search engine crawler does with your meta tags:


Google wants faster websites

page speed is a factorIt’s official. Google is incorporating page speed as a factor into it’s page ranking system. Any reason to panic?

Well Matt Cutts seems to be totally calm and cool about all the fuss with page speed becoming a Google page rank factor. He thoroughly explained in his blog about it’s effects and the changes that will happen in it’s implementation.