Tag Archives: keyword research

The Complete Guide to Perform an SEO Audit

The Complete Guide to Perform an SEO Audit

Ever given thought to what you can do to increase your site’s search engine visibility? If yes, a website audit is sure to go a long way towards achieving your goals. As a business, it’s critical to run website audits on a regular basis especially if you want to stay on the good side of Google — you wouldn’t want to get penalized for things you can handle, right?CONTINUE READING

How to do Keyword Research Using Ahrefs

How to Do Keyword Research Using Ahrefs

When it comes to keyword research tools, there are few that are as effective and efficient as Ahrefs. It is one of the most frequently used tools in our link building and content management teams, as it has given us the best results that help our clients achieve high search rankings that lead to more traffic.


International SEO: Things You Need to Know

International SEO: Things You Need to Know

One of the best aspects of doing SEO is that it is able to take your brand to not only a local audience, but also to an international one as well. Along with working with some of the most well-known and established clients in the Philippines, but also clients from different parts of the world.


Solving Keyword Cannibalization Using Ahrefs


Keywords make your SEO work and is the starting point for all of your optimization tasks for you or your client’s website. Keywords are the reason why we do SEO, as it is the only way to reach the top of Google’s highly competitive search landscape.


Using SERPED.net for Content Management


SERPED.net has become one of the most effective SEO tools in our toolbox, as it has a wide variety of features that makes it feel like you are using more than one tool. We have done reviews for SERPED itself, along with a guide on using it for keyword research, yet there are still some features that we can still cover. If you want to try it out for yourself, here is the link to their website.


SEO Hacker Guide to Google Trends


When it comes to SEO tools, we at SEO Hacker make sure that we have the best ones available. This allows us to be able to accomplish our tasks more efficiently, and implement some of our best SEO practices and strategies. Some of these tools include SERPED.net, Ahrefs.com, Omniconvert, and Cognitive SEO. For people who are starting with their SEO, some of these tools require a good monthly investment to maintain.


Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

Exploring SERPED.net’s Keyword Research Tool

A few months back, we did a review for SERPED.net, which became a part of our vast SEO toolbox due to its versatility. Some of the many tools that SERPED.net offers include Domain Finding and Research, Site Management, Rank, Tracking, Client Acquisition, and Keyword Research. With this amount of tools at your disposal, SERPED.net truly is one of the best SEO tools around.



Adapting Your SEO Strategy When Your Business Changes

SEO Specialists should be able to adapt to Google’s changes on the fly. I’m not exaggerating when I say that for SEO, you either adapt or you die. I can’t stress how crucial it is for any SEO to be ready to accept any changes in the industry and to always be informed on the regular updates that any search engine releases.