Tag Archives: Google

How Not To Get Screwed By Google’s Mobile-First Index

How Not To Get Screwed By Google's Mobile-First Index

Mobile usage has drastically increased over the past few years, with more and more users accessing websites through their devices. This led to Mobile SEO becoming much more important than before. Recently, Google has increased their focus on mobile search, with the Google Speed update adding mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor.


How Google Has Updated Voice and Exact Search Terms This 2018

How Google Has Updated Voice and Exact Search Terms This 2018

Google’s search engine has been at the forefront of the changes made by the company this past 2018, with algorithm updates aiming to optimize search results on both the local and international level. The impact of these algorithm updates has been felt by numerous websites around the world, with some experiencing a surge and drop in rankings in the past few months.


A Guide to Using Google Dataset Search Beta

A Guide to Using Google Dataset Search Beta

Datasets have become increasingly important over the years, as they provide comprehensive periodical data that can be used by multiple academic, government, educational, and research-based organizations. Statistics provide a quantitative outlook into various projects, competitions, or research work, and helps determine its success and faults.


How to Track Google Images Data Using Google Analytics

How to Track Google Images Data Using Google Analytics

Google Images is one of the most popular visual search engines and image archives on the internet, with millions upon millions of images available for users to view and download. Over the years, numerous updates have been rolled out to optimize its services, with the most recent ones being the removal of the “View Image” button and the addition of web page titles on images.


Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Last July, Google has launched the Google Speed update, which adds mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor. Along with a new ranking factor, the July update also emphasized the need to optimize websites for mobile usage, as “slower” websites can lose traffic should the performance remain below par. The new update also caused a ranking fluctuation as a result, which led to some digital marketing professionals to speculate that another update might arrive soon.


How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

How Visual Search Impacts the Future of SEO

Search in 2018 has become much more diverse than it was a few years ago, with new features such as voice search adding an entirely new dimension to how people explore search engines for answers to their queries. With AI Assistants like Google Assistant becoming more commonplace, search can now be conducted even without having to type a single letter.


A Look Into the Latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

A look into the latest Google Algorithm Update (July 2018)

Google is a search engine that always finds ways to innovate and optimize their services to improve the overall user experience and provide the best search results. This 2018, we have already seen numerous updates, from Google Images removing the ‘View Image’ option to Google launching an algorithm update last March that caused a fluctuation in rankings.


Farewell Google Adwords: Popular Service to be Rebranded into Google Ads

Farewell Google Adwords: Popular Service to be Rebranded into Google Ads

After 18 years in service, Google will be retiring the popular Google Adwords, and launch a rebranded service called Google Ads within the year. Along with Adwords, DoubleClick will also be rebranded into Google Marketing Platform for advertiser products and Google Analytics 360 Suite, and Google Ad Manager for publishers and DoubleClick Ad Exchange.


Why You Should Make The Switch to HTTPS in 2018

Why You Should Make The Switch to HTTPS by July 2018

With the Google Speed update being rolled out this July, another update sees websites that have not made the switch to HTTPS labeled as “not secure” on Google Chrome browsers. With the latest version of the Chrome browser launching in the same month, this makes switching one of the most urgent tasks that a lot of website owners face.


Understanding Semantic Textual Similarity

Understanding Semantic Textual Similarity

Artificial Intelligence is a technology that has seen huge strides in its development over the past few years. This 2018, companies like Google have been developing the technology to improve user-friendliness and allow more functionality in the services that they offer, such as Google Assistant, Google Search, and much more.CONTINUE READING