Tag Archives: google update

Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Google Launches the August Core Algorithm Update: What You Need To Know

Last July, Google has launched the Google Speed update, which adds mobile page loading speed as a ranking factor. Along with a new ranking factor, the July update also emphasized the need to optimize websites for mobile usage, as “slower” websites can lose traffic should the performance remain below par. The new update also caused a ranking fluctuation as a result, which led to some digital marketing professionals to speculate that another update might arrive soon.


Analyzing Google’s March Algorithm Update

Google March Update

It is no secret that Google updates its search and ranking algorithms every now and then without informing users firsthand. Some of these updates and changes can come off as minor and will not affect rankings drastically. However, those that do tend to shake things up to varying levels that can cause a good amount of concern.


How the New Google Image Update Helps Increase Traffic To Your Content

How the New Google Image Update Increases Traffic To Your Content

Google Images has seen some significant updates over the past few months, with the most recent update removing the “View Image” button and Image Search function. This update has divided users of Google’s service, as it made searching and downloading images a slightly longer process than before.


Google Expands AMP into Emails and Ads


We have previously covered some of the latest Google updates this 2018, which includes removing the “View Images” button in Google Images, the upcoming Speed Update, and Google My Business preventing former employees to post negative reviews about their previous company. As usual, these updates aim to improve the user experience and optimize the content and performance of different websites.CONTINUE READING

Google Images Update Removes View Image and Image Search


Why did Google remove the view image button?

Quick Answer: With concerns about piracy, Google rolled out an update in 2018 which removed the “View Image” button—something that used to redirect users directly to the image’s URL. This bypassed the publisher’s page first, leading to the concern. In line with this update, Google also made its image search copyright disclaimer more prominent.


Keep the Pace: Preparing for the Google Speed Update

Loading speed has become an integral part of SEO, being a factor in the overall user experience. It has been proven numerous times that fast loading speeds help users stay longer in a website, ensuring that you have steady traffic and a lower bounce rate. There are a variety of ways to lower loading times, which include using WordPress tools, along with some effective site optimization techniques that keep things fast and smooth.


Google Just Updated Their Featured Snippets and Knowledge Panels: What You Need To Know

Google Just Updated Their Featured Snippets and Knowledge Panels: What You Need To Know

Last month, there was a change in the amount of featured snippets and knowledge panels being shown in Google’s search pages. During a short period in early November 2017, the number of featured snippets went down, while the number of knowledge panels went up. This was seen as a move by Google to test and adjust their search metrics, which is something that they do on a regular basis.


Google Overhauls their Search Engine with Hummingbird

Google Hummingbird

Happy 15th birthday Google – you are now a multi-billion dollar company. Yeah I know you had your humble moments getting born in a garage somewhere in California. Imagine 15 long years! And now you greet us with your newest kid on the block. Hummingbird. So what’s it made of?


How Google Search Plus Your World Affects SEO


Google is now undergoing a major change in their search engine as they implement ‘Search Plus your World’ – it is simply integrating Google + into their search engine algorithm in order to serve it in their search engine results page.